CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Index- 9
Gating controls, 3--202
Gaussian window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--219
General purpose knob, Glossary--10
Glitch either trigger, Glossary--6
Glitch negative trigger, Glossary--6
Glitch setup, C--8
Glitch trigger, 3--89, C--7, Glossary--6
how to set up, 3--94
Glitch, A Trigger control window, 3--94, 3--95
GPIB, 3--282, Glossary--6
configuration, C--15
remote communication, 3--282
Graticule, 3--124, C--2, C--3, Glossary--6
100% zoom, C--7
50/50% zoom, C--7
80/20% zoom, C--7
area, 3 --124
measurements, 3 --148
style, 3--138, 3--144, C--9
zoom, C--7
Graticule Size button, 3--127
Graticule Split, 3--135
Graticules, 3--127
Grid graticule, 3--144, C--9
Ground coupling, Glossary--7
GroupDelay, 3--234
Hamming window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--221, 3--235
Hanning window, 3 --214, 3--216, 3--222, 3--235
Hardcopy, Glossary--7
Hardcopy format s, 3--278
H-bars, C--11
Help, 3--283
for in-depth contextual overviews, 3--284
how to get, 3--19
how to use online help, 3--284
to dig deeper, 3-- 286
to enable full-text search, 3--287
Help menu, C--16
about TekScope, C--16
contents and index, C--16
customer feedback, C--16
help on window, C--16
restore help, C--16
specifications, C--16
technical support, C--16
Help on window, C --16
Hi Res, 3--28
acquisition mode, Glossary-- 7
incompatible with fast acquisitions, 3--47
High, B--1, Glossary --7
High level, C--11
High/low method, 3--151
Histogram, 3--157
limit controls, 3--171
Histogram counting
resetting, 3--169
starting, 3--169
Histogram mean, 3--157
Histogram measureme nts, C--13
Histogram setup window, 3 --169
Histograms, 3--57, 3--168, 3--184
Hits in box, B--3, C--13
Holdoff, C--8
A Trigger, 3--84
trigger, 3--75
Holdoff, trigger, Glossary--7
Horiz/acq, run/stop, C--6
Horiz/acq menu
acquisition mode, C --6
autoset, C--5
delay mode on, C--6
equivalent time, C--6
fast acquisitions, C--5
FastFrame controls, C--6
FastFrame setup, C--6
horizontal/acquisition setup, C--5
interpolated real time, C --6
position/scale, C--6
real time only, C-- 6
resolution, C --6
roll mode auto, C--6
sampling modes, C--6
zoom controls, C--5
zoom setup, C--6
acquisition window, Glossary--7
acquisition window considerations, 3--23
acquisition window, illustrated, 3 --24
bar cursors, Glossary--7
delay, 3--117
position, 3--77, 3--127, 3--128
record le ngth, 3--127
scale, 3--24, 3--127
Horizontal cursors, 3--161
Horizontal menu
FastFrame Setup, 3--58
FastFrame setup, 3--62
frame count, 3--59
frame length%, 3 --58
frame%, 3--59, 3--61
multiple frames, 3 --59