Index- 10
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Horizontal offset, overview, 3--23
Horizontal refere nce, 3 --125, 3--128
Horizontal refere nce point, Glossary--7
Horizontal scale, 3 --127
Horizontal scale and offset, setting up, overview, 3--23
Horizontal scale vs. record length vs. sample interval
vs. resolution, 3--24
Horizontal zoom, 3--136
Horizontal/acquisition setup, C --5
Horizontal-scale readout , 3--125
Image, printing, 3--278
Impulse response testing, 3--214
Incoming inspection procedure, 1 --21–1--36
test equipment, 1--21
Independent, C--11
Independent vs. shared Window, 3--26
Index, refe rence, 3--2
Infinite persistence, 3--142, 3--143, C --9
display control window, 3--140
Initialize, Glossary--8
Input, 3--245
Input conditioning background, 3 --19
Input connector, 3--64
Input coupling, 3--14
AC, 3--14
DC, 3--14
GND, 3--14
Installation, 1--5–1--20
incoming inspection procedure, 1--21
option, C--16
software installation, 1 --12–1--14
Instrument diagnostics, C--15
Instrument id, C--16
Instrument setup, C--1
Integral math waveform, 3--193
applications, 3--193
derivation of, 3--193
record le ngth of, 3--193
Integration, wave form, 3--192
Inten samp, 3--142
Intensified samples, 3--142, C--9
Intensity, 3--53, Glossary--8
display menu, 3--53
Waveform, 3--139
Interleaving, 3--46, Glossary --8
Internal refere nce, 2 --11, C--15
Interpolated real time, C--6
Interpolation, 3--45, 3--46, 3--139, 3--141, C--9,
incompatible with DPO, 3 --47
Introduction, to this manual, xv
Jitter 6 sigma, B--4, C--12
Jitter pk--pk, C --12
Jitter pk-pk measurement, B --4
Jitter RMS, B --4
Jitter rms, C --12
JPEG, file format, 3--262
Kaiser-Bessel window, 3--214, 3--216, 3--222
Knob, Glossary--8
general purpose, Glossary--10
multipurpose, 3--165
resolution, Glossary--8
trigger MAIN LEVEL, 3 -- 77
Label, C--1, C--4, C--14
Label the waveform, 3 --255
LAN, enabling, 1 --15
LAN connection, 1--15
LCD backlight e nabled, C--10
LCD backlight timeout, 3 --140, C--10
A Trigger control window, 3--95, 3--100, 3--105
trigger, 3--77
Level presets, 3--85
A Trigger, 3--86
line, trigger input, 3--73, 3--80
Linear, 3--142, C --9
Linear interpolation, 3--45, 3--141, Glossary--8
Logic pa ttern setup, C --8
Logic pa ttern, trigger, C--7
Logic state setup, C--8
Logic state, tri gger, C--7
Logic trigger, 3--91
definitions, 3--91
pattern, Glossary--9
state, 3--90, 3--91, Glossary--9
Logic triggering, 3--88