Whether providing warranty repair service or any of the other services listed
below, Tektronix service technicians are well equipped to service the
AWG2005. Tektronix technicians train on Tektronix products; they have
access to the latest information on improvements to the AWG2005 as well as
the latest new options.
Warranty Repair Service
Tektronix warrants this product for one year from date of purchase. (The
warranty appears on the back of the title page in this manual.) Tektronix
technicians provide warranty service at most Tektronix service locations
worldwide. The Tektronix product catalog lists all service locations worldĆ
Repair or Calibration Service
The following services can be purchased to tailor repair and/or calibration of
the AWG2005 to fit your requirements.
AtĆdepot Service Ċ Tektronix offers several standardĆpriced adjustment
(calibration) and repair services:
H A single repair and/or adjustment
H Calibrations using equipment and procedures that meet the traceability
standards specific to the local area
H Annual maintenance agreements that provide for either calibration and
repair or calibration only of the AWG2005
Of these services, the annual maintenance agreement offers a particularly
costĆeffective approach to service for many owners of the AWG2005.
Self Service
Tektronix supports repair to the module level by providing Module Exchange.
Module Exchange Ċ This service reduces downĆtime for repair by allowĆ
ing you to exchange most modules for remanufactured ones. Tektronix ships
an updated and tested exchange module from the Beaverton, Oregon
service center, typically within 24 hours. Each module comes with a 90Ćday
service warranty.
For More Information Ċ Contact your local Tektronix service center or
sales engineer for more information on any of the repair or adjustment
services just described.