GB – 18 | MP-350
Edit ID3 Tags
1. Open Winamp, load the MP3 file you want to edit and then
open the LRC editor. You can key in the informations to the
LRC editor’s text frame or click Document/open and move
the edited text to the editor, as follows:
– While the respective music title is reproduced, please click
add tag. Note that the time tag will appear before the
textual information.
– Fill in file name, singer and name of the album.
– Finally, click Save As in File in LRC to save the edited ID3 tag.
Name the ID3 tag with the name of the respective MP3 file
and copy both files to the unit. Then the according informa-
tions will be displayed on the screen while playing a song.
1. The length of an ID3 tag shall not exceed 16 single-charac-
ters (i.e. English letters or number characters) or 8 double-
characters (i.e. Chinese characters).
2. Characters as follows are not allowed to be used in title
and singer information: \ / : * ? " < > | [ ]