Models RD30/RC25 Operating Procedures
Step 1
Remove the upper rear cover, and open the hopper
Step 2
Pour cool, clean water into the mix hopper and allow
it to flow into the freezing cylinder. With the brushes
provided, scrub the mix hopper, mix inlet hole, and mix
level float switch.
Figure 37
Step 3
Place the control switch in the “WASH” position. With
a m ixpail beneaththe doorspout, openthe d rawvalve.
Drain all the rinse water from the freezing cylinder .
When the rinse water stops flowing from the door
spout, close the draw valve and place t he control
switch in the “OFF” position.
Repeat this procedure until the rinse water being
drawn from the freezing cylinder is clear.
Step 1
Prepare a pail of approved 100 PPM cleaning solution
(examples: 2--1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay--5R or 2 gal.
[7.6 liters] of Stera--SheenR). USE WARM WATER
Step 2
Pour the cleaning solution into the hopper and allow it
to flow into the freezing cylinder.
Step 3
Once the mix float switch is submerged in the cleaning
solution, brush clean the mix hopper, mix inlet hole,
and mix level float switch.
Step 4
Place the control switch in the “WASH” position. This
will cause the cleaning solution in the freezing cylinder
to be agitated. Allow the solution to agitate for five
Step 5
Place thecontrolswitch inthe “ OFF” position. Place a n
empty mix pail beneath the door spout. Open the draw
valve and draw off all of the cleaning solution. When
the solution stops flowing from the door spout, close
the draw valve.
THE OFF POSITION. Failure to do so may result in
personal injury or component damage.
Step 1
Remove the torque arm, handscrews, freezer door,
beater assembly, scraper blades, torque rotor , and the
drive shaft, and take these parts to the sink for
Step 2
Remove the front drip tray and splash shield and take
them to the sink for cleaning.