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Owner’s Manual
(III. Operating Procedures cont.)
6. Carburetor adjustment: (Fig. 14 & 15)
The carburetor has been preset at the factory and probably won't require adjusting. It is
recommended that any carburetor adjustments or engine adjustments be done by your
local TANAKA service dealer. If an adjustment is necessary, follow these below
1. Start the engine and allow it to warm up for 5 minutes.
2. Release the throttle lever and allow it to run at idle speed.
3. With the engine idling, turn the idle limiter (I ) clockwise or counterclockwise to
achieve the maximum engine RPM. Then turn the idle limiter counterclockwise
one notch.
(See Fig. 14)
NOTE: Counterclockwise rotation richens the mixture and clockwise
rotation makes the mixture leaner.
4. Next with the engine at wide open throttle turn the "H Screw" (1) clockwise or
counterclockwise to achieve the maximum engine speed. Then turn the "H
Screw" counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Now, the H screw should be set between 1
-1 /4 and 1 -3/4 turned counterclockwise from lightly seated position. (See Fig.
5. Appropriate idle speed is the position where blade does not turn or engine does
not stall. When the idle speed is too low or too high, adjust it with idle screw
(2). (See Fig. 15)
! Lean carburetor settings can cause serious engine damage.
! Do not attempt to adjust the screw inside of the idle limiter.
1. Periodical check
1. Clean air cleaner element (1) with soap and water and dry before reuse. (Fig.
2. Scrape off the carbon from the spark plug gap. (Standard gap is 0.6 mm or
0.023 in.). (Fig. 17)
3. Clean the cylinder exhaust port and muffler. Remove grass or dust that has
entered in the cylinder cover or fan case cover. (It may cause trouble such as
4. Inspect carefully for any fuel or oil leaks.
5. Check all nuts, bolts, screws, etc., making sure they are tightened.
6. The clutch shoes will wear after a long period of use, they should be checked
7. Lubricate Gear Case every 50 hours of use.