2.1 Bal ancing the Purge if the Pro cess is in Op er a tion
A. Re view the draw ing on page 5.
B. Pro cess must be in a steady state.
C. Dis con nect the HIGH and LOW lines from the trans mit ter. Mea sure the DP from the pro cess with a
pres sure cal i bra tor or other DP mea sur ing de vice..
D. Re cord the DP read ing. ______________________________
E. Re con nect the HIGH and LOW lines back to the trans mit ter. Make sure the Purge is op er at ing.
F. Ad just the “HIGH” and “LOW” Purge Bal ance ad just ments on the mount ing plate un til the dis play
read ing equals the read ing re corded in Step D. See the draw ing on page 5.
2.2 Bal ancing the Purge if the Pro cess is not in Op er a tion
A. Re view the draw ing on page 5.
B. En sure that there is no flow in the pro cess. If the flow can not be stopped com pletely fol low the in -
struc tions in Sec tion 2.1.
C. At tach the HIGH and LOW lines to flow me ter.
D. Ad just the “HIGH” and “LOW” Purge Bal ance ad just ments on the front panel till the dis play read ing
equals 0.0000 Inch W.C. See draw ing on page 5.
þIMPORTANT: It is rec om mended that a Three Valve Man i fold not be used with an MST2400 which con -
tains the Con tin u ous Purge Op tion. Con sult fac tory.
2.3 In te gral 5 Mi cron Co ales cent Fil ter
A. The MST2400 with con tin u ous purge co mes with an in te gral 5 mi cron Co ales cent Fil ter. See the
Draw ing on page 5.
B. The fil ter is in tended as a sec ond ary de vice. The sup ply air should be reg u lated and fil tered be fore
en ter ing the en clo sure.
C. The in te gral fil ter will turn “RED” as it cleans the air. Re place the fil ter be fore the “RED” reaches the
right side, or out let end.
3. In te gral “High Pres sure” Blowdown Sys tem
The MST2400 can be or dered with an In te gral “High Pres sure” Blowdown Sys tem. This op tion is de -
signed to clean out Pitot Av er aging Flow sen sors us ing a blast of “High Pres sure” Air (up to 100 PSIG or
6.9 bar) while hold ing the last out put sig nal from the MST2400.
The MST2400 is ca pa ble of be ing pro grammed to per form a blowdown se quence any where from ev e ry
2 min utes up to once ev ery 24 hours (1440 min utes). The blowdown se quence can also be ac ti vated by
a re mote pulse from a DCS or other con trol ler.
A. Spec i fi ca tions:
a. Air Sup ply: Max i mum of 100 PSIG (6.9 bar) . If air sup ply is over 100 PSIG then a reg u la tor must be
in stalled.
b. Volt age: 120 VAC. Op tion con tains in te gral 24VDC power sup ply.
c. Se quence Du ra tion: Approximately 30 sec onds from time sig nal is held till sig nal is re stored.
d. Tem per a ture: Max i mum 150
e. Pro gram ma ble intervals: 2 min utes to 1440 min utes (24 hours).
f. Pulse Sig nal from ex ter nal controller: Con tact clo sure for ½ sec ond (500 mil li sec onds).
B. Se quence of Op er a tion
a. The MST2400 be gins the Blowdown se quence by hold ing the last out put sig nal. “-HOLD-” will ap -
pear on the LCD. The Blowdown Status In di ca tor will also be lit. See the sec tion on the LCD Dis play.
b. Valves are ac ti vated to iso late and vent the trans mit ter from the pro cess to pre vent dam a ge.
c. The Hi & Low pro cess lines are al ter nately blown down for ap prox i mately 11 sec onds each.
d. Valves are au to mat i cally ac ti vated to re store sig nal from pro cess back to MST2400.
C. Ex ter nal Ac ti va tion Sig nal
The MST2400 In te gral Blowdown can be ac ti vated by a ½ sec ond ex ter nal contact closure pulse sig -
nal. The Blowdown can be con trolled by this sig nal only or in com bi na tion with the in te gral con trol of the
MST2400. The MST2000 must be pro grammed to ac cept this sig nal. Re fer to Pro gramming Pa ram e -
ters, Sec tion 8. See Wiring Di a grams in Sec tion 14.
þNote: A 110VAC power source is re quired for the In te gral Blowdown Sys tem. An internal 24VDC
power sup ply is fur nished with the Blowdown. DO NOT USE THIS POWER SUPPLY TO POWER THE
OPERATION MANUAL In te gral “High Pres sure” Blowdown Sys tem
Brandt Instruments, Inc. MST2000 Multivariable SMARTFLOW
Transmitter Page 9