PN 8500-0150, Rev. A, May 2005 iii
Operating Manual
Limited Warranty
Each new product manufactured by Symmetricom is warranted for defects in material or
workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment (“Limited Warranty”). Defects in
material or workmanship found within that period will be replaced or repaired, at
Symmetricom’s option, without charge for material or labor, provided the customer returns the
equipment, freight prepaid, to the Symmetricom factory under this limited warranty.
Symmetricom will return the repaired equipment, freight prepaid, to the customer’s facility.
This one year Limited Warranty does not apply to any software or to any product not
manufactured by Symmetricom.
If on-site warranty repair or replacement is required, the customer will be charged the then
current field service rate for portal-to-portal travel time plus actual portal-to-portal travel
charges. There is no charge for on-site warranty repair labor.
Products not manufactured by Symmetricom, but included as integral part of a system (e.g.,
peripherals, options), are warranted for 90 days, or longer as provided by the original
equipment manufacturer, from date of shipment.
Aside from the Limited Warranty set forth above, Symmetricom makes no other warranties,
express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for purpose or of any other kind or description
By purchasing any product manufactured by Symmetricom, the buyer consents to and
agrees with Symmetricom that as a result of the exclusion of all warranties, expressed or
implied, of merchantability, fitness for purpose, or otherwise, except for the limited one-year
warranty for defects in material and workmanship for products manufactured by
Symmetricom, that the Buyer has the sole responsibility to assess and bear all losses relating
to (1) the ability of the product or products purchased to pass without objection under the
contract description among merchants and buyers in the trade; (2) the conformity of the
product or products to fair average quality within its contract description; (3) the fitness of the
product for the ordinary purposes for which such product is used; (4) the consistency of
quality and quantity within each unit of product or products and among all units involved; (5)
the adequacy of containers, packaging and labeling of the product or products; (6) the
conformity of the product, promises or affirmations of fact (if any) made on its label or
container; and (7) the conformity of the product to standards of quality observed by other
merchants in the trade with respect to products of similar description.