Spectrum24 Configuration
"LCachePwd"=dword:1; 0 = Save always in plain text
; 1 = Save until a Warm Boot (not in registry, not in plain text)
; 2 = Do not save password at all
"LTimeoutMinutes"=dword:00000000; In Hexidecimal, only used for LCachePwd = 1
; Typical Examples:
; dword:00000000 = Do not use timeout
; dword:0000000F = 15 = 15 minutes
; dword:0000001E = 30 = 30 minutes
; dword:0000003C = 60 = 1 hour
; dword:00000078 = 120 = 2 hours
; dword:000000F0 = 240 = 4 hours
; dword:000001E0 = 480 = 8 hours
; dword:000002D0 = 720 = 12 hours
; dword:000005A0 = 1440 = 1 Day
; "UNAME"="myLEAPUserName"; Only uncomment when LCachePwd = 0
; "UPwd"="myLEAPPassword"; Only uncomment when LCachePwd = 0
"EnableDHCP"=dword:00000001; 0 = Use static IP
; 1 = Use DHCP
; Uncomment the next keys if Static IPs are used
; "IpAddress"=""; Replace these IP address with the required static values
; "Subnetmask"=""
; "DefaultGateway"=""
; "DNS"=""
; "WINS"=""