Code Length Number of data characters in a bar code between the start and stop
characters, not including those characters.
Continuous Code A bar code or symbol in which all spaces within the symbol are parts
of characters. There are no intercharacter gaps in a continuous code.
The absence of gaps allows for greater information density.
Dead Zone An area within a scanner's field of view, in which specular reflection
may prevent a successful decode.
Decode To recognize a bar code symbology (e.g., UPC/EAN) and then
analyze the content of the specific bar code scanned.
Decode Algorithm A decoding scheme that converts pulse widths into data
representation of the letters or numbers encoded within a bar code
Depth of Field The range between minimum and maximum distances at which a
scanner can read a symbol with a certain minimum element width.
Discrete Code A bar code or symbol in which the spaces between characters
(intercharacter gaps) are not part of the code.
Discrete 2 of 5 A binary bar code symbology representing each character by a group
of five bars, two of which are wide. The location of wide bars in the
group determines which character is encoded; spaces are
insignificant. Only numeric characters (0 to 9) and START/STOP
characters may be encoded.
EAN European Article Number. This European/International version of the
UPC provides its own coding format and symbology standards.
Element dimensions are specified metrically. EAN is used primarily in
Element Generic term for a bar or space.
Encoded Area Total linear dimension occupied by all characters of a code pattern,
including start/stop characters and data.
Host Computer A computer that serves other terminals in a network, providing such
services as computation, database access, supervisory programs,
and network control.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission. This international agency
regulates laser safety by specifying various laser operation classes
based on power output during operation.