Ho amohela melaetsa ya lentswe
Ha o amohela molaetsa wa lentswe } Ee ho mamela
molaetsa kapa } Tjhe ho o bapala hamorao. Tobetsa
ho kwala molaetsa.
Hokela ho server ya meile ya POP3 kapa ya IMAP4 ho
romela le ho amohela melaetsa ka fono ya hao. O ka
sebedisa di-setting tsa imeile tse fonong ya hao tse
tshwanang le tse lenaneong la imeile la khomphuta ya hao.
Pele o qala
Haeba di-setting tse hlokehang di eso kenngwe fonong
ya hao % 52 Di-setting.
Ho ngola le ho romela molaetsa wa imeile
1 Ho tswa boemong ba standby kgetha Menu } Ho etsa
melaetsa } Imeile } Ngola o motjha.
2 Kgetha Eketsa ebe o kenya aterese ya imeile, kapa
Sheba mabitsong ho fumana aterese ho Mabitso, kapa
aterese ya imeile lenaneng la baamohedi la ho qetela ho
3 Ho eketsa baamohedi kgetha Ho, Cc: kapa Bcc:.
4 Ha o se o kgethile baamohedi } E entswe.
5 Ngola taba (subject) } OK. Etsa mongolo } OK.
6 Ho eketsa sephuthelwana (attachment) } Eketsa ebe
o kgetha sephuthelwana } E entswe } Tswella.
7 } Romela kapa } Tse ding ho sheba dikgetho.
Ho amohela le ho bala melaetsa ya imeile
1 Ho tswa boemong ba standby kgetha Menu } Ho etsa
melaetsa } Imeile } Inbox. Haeba inbox e sa tshela
} Rml&aml. Haeba inbox e tshetse } Tse ding
} Romela o Amohele.
Kgetha molaetsa } Sheba ho o bala.
This is the Internet version of the User's guide. © Print only for private use.