Remote Setup continued
9. Try out the Sunre remote and see
if the learned buttons will success-
fully operate your equipment. You
may nd that some commands
cannot be learned, because some
are non-conventional, or too long
or too short.
10. The EDIT command can be used
to change the labels if some of the
standard labels do not correspond
to your original remote buttons.
The macro mode allows you to
set up certain buttons to transmit up
to 190 commands in sequence. For
example, a single button press could
turn on all of your home theater equip-
ment, and set the TGR-401 to DVD,
set the TV to channel 3, and set the
DVD to play, make the tea and put the
cat out.
The power ON and OFF buttons
can be programmed as macros. The
ten device buttons can also be pro-
grammed, although these will only be
activated if the device button is held
down for a few seconds.
Note that the macro buttons are in-
dependent of which device the remote
is set for. So there is only one power
macro etc.
1. In SETUP mode, press MACRO.
2. Press one of the buttons you wish
to program as a macro, such as
ON, or a device button.
3. Press up to 190 buttons you would
like the macro to store. Do this in
the exact order you want them to
be transmitted. Use the PAGE,
MAIN and direct buttons to nd
buttons to use in the macro.
4. To add a delay between steps, you
can add 0.5 seconds each time
you press PAUSE (
). This does
not take up a step. If pause is your
rst step, then the macro will not
work unless the button is pressed
and held down.
5. Press the Channel UP button to
save your macro.
6. Repeat this procedure to program
more macros, and press MAIN to
return to the main menu.
7. Try out the macros to see if they
work OK. It may take some time
to transmit all the commands in
sequence, so keep the remote
pointing at your equipment and do
not move it during this time.
RECAL (Recall)
This mode lets you quickly see the
three digit codes you have assigned
to each device. This is useful if you
want to check the tables and nd
other codes which may work better.
1. In the SETUP mode, select RE-
CAL. The device labels and their
codes will appear. Press PAGE to
see other codes. Make a note of
the codes.
2. Press MAIN to return to the main
device menu.
This mode allows you to change the
labels in the display to suit your sys-
tem. You can change device labels, or
the buttons on page 1 or page 2 of a
device, or the FAV labels.
1. In the SETUP menu, press EDIT.
2. Press the TEXT button. The list of
devices appears.
3. Navigate to the device and page
where there is a button label you
want to EDIT, selecting between
the FAV, MAIN, DEVICE, then
using the PAGE button. Press
the button you wish to edit. The
rst character of your button label
4. Change the character using the
number keys. Move to the next
space by pressing the RIGHT navi-
gation button.
5. When nished editing, press the
button you just edited, and the new
text will be saved.
6. You can edit other buttons, or
press MAIN a few times to return
to the main menu.
7. With EDIT, you can also make
labels where none exist. Move to
a blank device, and add your text.
Then you can use LEARN to add
a remote code from an original
To edit the name of a device button,
proceed as follows:
1. In the SETUP menu, press EDIT.
2. Press the TEXT button. The list
of devices appears, and EDIT will
appear at the top of the screen. Do
not press a device button just yet.
3. Press the PAGE button twice until
the MAIN appears at the top of the
screen instead of EDIT.
4. Select the device button to be edit-
ed and the rst character will blink.
(Press PAGE to reach the second
set of devices if required.) Change
the character using the number
keys. Move to the next space by
pressing the RIGHT navigation
5. When nished editing, press the
device button just edited, and the
new name will be saved.
6. To edit the word MAIN, (for exam-
ple if you are setting up a system
in the DEN, follow steps 1 and 2
above, then press PAGE four times
until you reach a screen that just
has MAIN at the top, and MAIN
just below. Press this device but-
ton and edit the word to suit. This
will now appear at the top of the
remote display in normal use.