
llllllllll I III IIIIII
B) With standard Phillips
screwdriver, remove door
handle on freezer and
refrigerator door (the door
handles also act as a door
trim). The Models 511 and
550 freezer door handle isw
on the top of the door and
removed in the same manner
described above.
C) Slide panel into frame on
door as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17
D) With panel in position,
replace handle and screws.
Replace the trim molding(s)
by inserting the top ar_i then
the bottom into the handle
channel. Release the middle
and set the magnets.
A) Toinstall panels on the
Model 590, the door handle
and door handle trim must first
be removed. The screws are
hidden by a magnet-backed
trim molding. Remove the
molding using a piece oftape
to pull it away from the handle
and expose the handle
NOTE: The trim molding
will bend out at the center
allowing removal as shown
in Figure 16.
B) With standard Phillips
screwdriver, remove door
handles on freezer and refrig-
erator doors (door handles
also act as a door trim, see
Figure 17).
C) Remove the handle trim
panels by sliding them out of
the door(s). SeeFigure 18.
NOTE: Different colored
handle trim panels and
glasswells are available
through your product
Figure 18
D) Next, remove the water and
ice glasswell by removing the
mounting screw. Then slide
the glasswell up and pull out
as in Figure 18.
E) Remove the top and bottom
trim fillers held on by the
mounting screw(s). See
Figure 19.
F) Remove the screws
holding in vertical trim strip.
See Figure 19.
Figure 19
G) Install door panels by
sliding into frame on door
as shown in Figure 17.
H) With door panels in place,
reverse the steps for proper
NO TE: ff replacing standard
handle insert panels and
glasswell with original or
custom handle insert
panel or glasewell, refer to
step H.
If optional EA panel grille is
purchased for Models 511,53
542, 550 or 561, follow these
Grille Size Panel Size
10 x 30 83/16x 283/16
11 x 30 93/16x 283/16
12 x 30 103/16x 283/16
13 x 30 113/lex 283/16
14x30 123/18x 283/18
15 x 30 133/18x 283/16
10 x 36 83/16x 343/16
11 x 36 93/lSx 343/16
12 x 36 103/16x 343/16
13 x 36 113/16x 343/16
14 x 36 123/16x 343/le
15 x 36 133/1ex, t/16
10 x 42 83/16X "_',,J3/16
11 x 42 93/16x 403/16
12 x 42 103/18x 403/16
13 x 42 113/16x 403/18
14 x 42 123116 X 40°116
15 x 42 133/1sx 403/16
10 x 48 83/16x 463/16
11 x 48 93hsx 463h6
12 x 48 103/16 x 463/lS
13 x 48 113/16x 463/1e
14 x 48 123/16x 463/16
15 x 48 133/lSx 463/16
The frame molding isde-
signed to hold 114"thick panel.
Raised wood panels must be
routed to 114"thickness on _11
four sides to provide a 114"lip.
.(15Ibs. maximum panel