After each time it is used the mower should be
cleaned. This is particularly important on the un-
derside of the mower casing. Wash out with the
garden hose. The mower will then last longer and
function better.
High pressure washing units should not be used. If
grass has dried on to the mower casing it can be re-
moved by scraping. If necessary, give the under-
side a touch of paint to prevent rusting.
Clean the silencer and the surrounding
area regularly to remove grass, dirt and
flammable waste products.
Before use, the engine's cooling system should be
cleaned. Clean the cylinder's cooling fins and the
air intake, removing any grass cuttings, dirt and the
Change the oil when the engine is warm
and the petrol tank is empty. Hot oil will
run out of the engine better. Use caution
when draining the hot oil, as it could
cause burn injuries.
Change the oil the first time after 5 hours of oper-
ation, and subsequently after every 50 hours of op-
eration or once a season. Remove the dip stick, tilt
the mower and let the oil run out into a container.
Be careful not to let any oil run on to the grass.
Fill with new oil: use oil of SAE 30 or SAE 10W-
30 quality. The crankcase holds approx. 0.6 litre.
Fill until the oil reaches the "FULL/MAX" mark
on the dip stick.
A dirty and blocked air filter reduces the engine
output and increases engine wear.
Briggs & Stratton:
Carefully remove the air cleaner so that no dirt
falls down into the carburettor (fig. 12). Take out
the foam plastic filter element and wash it in liquid
detergent and water. Dry the filter element. Pour a
little oil on the filter element and squeeze it in. Re-
fit the air cleaner.
Wash the filter every three months or every 25
hours running, whichever comes first, or more fre-
quently if used in dusty conditions.
Check the air filter after every 25 hours of use,
more often if the engine is used in dusty condi-
tions. If the foam filter is dirty or blocked it should
be replaced.
Dismantle the cover A. Clean inside the cover A
and the filter support E, (fig. 13). Soak the foam
filter C with two teaspoons (approx. 20 ml) of en-
gine oil. Massage the filter with a clean cloth to re-
move any excess oil. Also check the seal D,
replace it if damaged or deformed.
Refit the cover A.
Never remove the spark plug or the igni-
tion lead when checking to see if there is
any spark, always use an approved test
Clean the sparking plug regularly (every 100 hours
running). Use a wire brush for cleaning and adjust
the correct spark gap (fig. 14).
Change the sparking plug if the electrodes are ex-
cessively burnt or if the plug is damaged. The rec-
ommendations of the engine manufacturers are as
Champion J19LM (RJ19LM) or another equiva-
lent spark plug ought to be used in Briggs & Strat-
ton engines. Spark gap 0.76 mm.
Champion RJ17LM, RJ19LM or another equiva-
lent spark plug ought to be used in Tecumseh en-
gines. Spark gap 0.6 mm.
Use protective gloves to prevent cuts
when changing the blade.
Blunt and damaged blades tear off the grass and
spoil the look of the lawn after mowing. New, well
sharpened blades cut the grass cleanly, so that the
lawn looks green and fresh even after mowing.
Always check the blade after an impact. First dis-
connect the ignition cable. If the blade system has
been damaged the defective parts must be
changed. Always use genuine spare parts.
To replace the blade, slacken the blade bolt. Fit the
new blade so that the stamped STIGA logotype is
turned facing the blade attachment (and not facing
the grass). Refit the washer and blade bolt. Tighten
the blade bolt fully to a torque of 40 Nm (fig. 15).