Instruction Manual
Sun/Mac Keyboard Mapping
The KVM Switch emulates a Sun Keyboard when a computer is marked with a Sun, in
the OSD menu by Function Key <F5>. A Sun keyboard has more keys than a standard
PC keyboard. These extra keys are simulated by tapping the right <CTRL> button
(normally located on the right lower part of the keyboard) followed by one of the
function keys on the general keyboard (i.e. combo key). For example, tap the right
<CTRL> key, and then tap the function key <F7> to activate Open for a Sun computer.
NOTE: For older Sun Operating Systems, the switch does not support the LowPower
option under Power O Select.
For keystroke emulation of Sun/Mac computers, please refer to the chart on the
following page and conduct the following two examples:
Stop A function in Sun: Press right <CTRL> and release, then within two seconds press
F1 and A in sequence.
The Help function in Sun: Press right <CTRL> and release, then within 2 seconds, press
the H key.