users are connected while a PPP session is active, their screens will be in grayscale
as well. When PPP in inactive, color is automatically re-enabled.
• Some areas of the screen may not be updated as frequently as others, and animations
or other auto-updating areas of the screen may appear out-of-focus or “blocky” as a
result. Since the area around the mouse pointer is refreshed most frequently, hold the
pointer over an area to improve its clarity.
• It may be beneficial to minimize any unnecessary icons, backgrounds, or other clutter
on the host computer’s desktop to make the dial-up connection as efficient as possible.
• If you need to configure the device over a serial connection while the modem option is
enabled, connect a serial cable (see immediately above for instructions on what type of
cable to use for the port you are accessing on the SVxx41HDIE) and begin a terminal
session following the instructions under
Terminal Configuration Using a Serial Cable
in this manual. Once connected, you will see the following message:
Expecting a modem, if human, type admin password (Or start PPP)
Type the password for user
and press
. The password will not appear on
the screen. The configuration menu will appear. Make the changes you wish or press
to exit and leave the modem connection active.
Modem Troubleshooting Guide
The following messages will appear in the system log on the
screen in the Web
interface and may help to diagnose problems with the modem configuration.
Starting PPP (for auth) on port…
Modem is connecting and the PPP login process is starting.
Modem hang up. Resetting
The connection has been closed or terminated unexpectedly.
Timeout during login process. Giving up
The PPP client connecting over the modem has waited too long to complete the
authentication process or supplied an invalid user name and/or password.
Modem init chat script failed
The modem did not respond to the initialization string from the SVxx41HDIE. You may
need to change the init string or verify the cabling and modem status.
Modem init okay
The modem has responded appropriately to the init string.