Main Menu
To access the main menu, quickly press F7 twice quickly. You must press the key twice
within one second. If you press it once or too slowly, then the F7 key(s) are sent to the
host, just like any other key. This is the only way to get into the menu system, if the Bribar
is disabled. Here is the main menu for a typical system:
The main menu window may be moved by clicking and dragging on the title bar. It can be
closed by pressing
, or by clicking on the red X in the top right corner.
Here is a guide outlining various fields from the Main Menu. Most of the functions
operate immediately. Other functions require a response to a confirmation prompt first
before performing the requested function.
Fixed text label that is defined by the user in the Web interface. This
does not affect the operation of the system and is intended to assist with
Current status of the attached system and the status of the unit.
B/W Min/Avg/Max/Auto:
Bandwidth control. current operation will be indicated with
white highlighting. If you choose
then you will override the default, Auto.
As the automatic mode measures actual network performance, you may see the
current mode switch from
up to
. The different modes indicate more
time spent on compression versus more bandwidth. There is no visual difference
between the modes, but there can be a noticeable difference in speed and
Mouse Resync:
Resynchronizes the mouse pointer so that the local and remote
mouse pointers are on top of each other.
PS/2 Reset:
Resets the PS/2 emulation going to the host and to the attached PS/2
devices. This can be used if the mouse stops responding or the PS/2 keyboard isn't