Instruction Manual
Management Utility Installation
(Optional - Windows only)
RAID and/or HyperDuo conguration can be accomplished either through the
integrated card-BIOS utility, or through the Marvell Storage Utility (MSU). Details for
installing the MSU are below.
To install the Marvell Storage Utility (MSU) in Windows:
1. Run the MSUSetup.exe, selecting Next and accepting the license agreement when
prompted – the default installation options are recommended.
2. After installing the Apache2 HTTP Server (which is a built-in component of the
installation package), the installation may trigger a Windows Security Alert on some
versions of Windows, please allow access.
3. Before opening the MSU, verify that Active Scripting or JavaScript is enabled in
the browser.
a. Internet Explorer
i. From the menu bar, select Tools > Internet Options.
ii. Select the “Security” tab, then “Local Intranet”, then “Custom level”.
iii. In the list of settings, scroll down to Scripting > Active scripting.
iv. Select “Enable”, then click “OK” to conrm the selection.