Motion Computing M1400 Tablet PC User Guide xiii
AC mini-plug 12
AC power adapter 12
accessories 18
flexdock 18
Hardtop Cover 20
Keyboard 19
Memory Upgrade Modules 20
portfolio 20
Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) 16, 24
adding memory 44
See Ambient Light Sensor.
Ambient Light Sensor 1, 16, 25
description of features 40
Dynamic 25
ambient noise filters 1, 16
analog telephone jack 13
Array Processing software 16, 24
arrow keys 13
battery 11
and ALS 25, 40, 44
and storing the Tablet PC 65
Battery Status Gauge 15
Battery Status LED 42
charging 42
disposing of 43
functions 12
gauge 42
hints 43, 44
overheated 42
recharging 42
recharging time 42
status 14
temperature 12
testing the charge 42
transporting 67
battery status 14
battery status gauge 11, 15
beam forming software 16, 24
accessing 63, 64
exiting 63
connection tips 53
discovery 51
distance 49
FAA regulations 48
HID 50
pairing 51
pin code 52
setup wizard 50
troubleshooting 51
unpairing 53
button functions
Alt + Tab 13
Tablet PC Input Panel 13
changing defaults 39
Escape button 13
Function button 13
Hot Key #1 (Dashboard) 13
primary functions 13
resetting button functions 39
secondary functions 13
capture 59
cleaning recommendations 65
voice 56
calibrate pen button 32
description of features 24
opening 30
default power scheme 41
desktop stand 18
dictation 56
Did You Know updates 6
discoverable mode 51
discovery. See discoverable mode.
brightness and ALS 25, 40
cleaning 65
orientation 38
ALS settings 40
display screen 65
domain name 28