
Lowest Default Highest
Item Value Value Value Meaning
ENTERTAIN- - OFF - ON=Entertainment enabled.
MENT OFF=Entertainment disabled.
RAIL STOP - OFF - ON=Enables hardware stop for European units.
OFF=Disables hardware stop for European units.
10 REV 22.0 30.7 74.0 Inches of running belt travel for 10 flywheel revolutions, always measured in
inches. Nominal values are:
1.6" pulley: 27.5
1.7" pulley: 29.1
1.8" pulley: 30.7
2.1" pulley: 35.8
CNT/REV 31 31 125 Number of counts for each motor shaft revolution. Values are:
RPM sensor at flywheel notches: 31
RPM sensor at motor shaft optical disk: 125
MIN PWM 2 30 55 Pulse duty cycle to obtain the selected MN SPD. Divide MN PWM by 512 to
get % duty cycle.
1/2 MX 25 130 170 Pulse duty cycle to obtain 1/2 maximum speed. Divide 1/2 MX by 512 to get %
duty cycle.
MAX PWM 86 230 255 Pulse duty cycle to obtain the selected MX Spd. Divide MX PWM by 512 to get
% duty cycle.
ACCEL TIME 25 25 60 Time, in seconds, to reach maxmium speed from 0 mph (0 km/hr).
DECEL TIME 20 20 60 Time, in seconds, to reach 0 mph (0 km/hr) from maximum speed.
DATE 1.00 1.98 12.99 Treadmill manufacture date.
NO RAIL 0 0 255 Number of times Hand Rail Stop switch was down or disconnected on power-
STOP up since last reset.
KEY DOWN 0 0 255 Number of times key other than 5 or 8 was down on power-up since last reset.
SPEED CHG 0 0 255 Number of times speed changed suddenly more than 2 mph (UNITS=English)
or 2 km/hr (UNITS=Metric) since last reset.
ELEV STALL 0 0 255 Number of times elevation failed to change (stalled) since last reset.
ELEV RANGE 0 0 255 Number of times elevation was out of range (not between 0% and 15%) at
power-up since last reset.
ELEV LOST 0 0 255 After pressing S
TART and reaching 0% reset, the number of times elevation
went beyond 0% to 15%, since last reset.
NO MOTOR 0 0 255 Number of times the motor could not verify a load since last reset.
NO SENSOR 0 0 255 Number of time the sensor was inoperable since las reset.
ELEV ZERO 175 240 242 Representation of voltage to elevation motor to obtain 0% elevation. Multiply
ELEV ZERO by 0.019608 to get actual voltage.
ELEV MAX 25 57 170 Representation of voltage to elevation motor to obtain 15% (maximum) eleva-
tion (incline). Multiply ELEV MAX by 0.019608 to get actual voltage.
120 volt treadmill = 57
230 volt treadmill = 80
LAST DECK 0 0 65,535 Number of miles (UNITS=English), or km (UNITS=Metric) since the running
deck was last serviced or replaced.
LAST BELT 0 0 65,535 Number of miles (UNITS=English) or km (UNITS=Metric) since the running
belt was last replaced.
LAST MOTOR 0 0 65,535 Number of miles (UNITS=English), or km (UNITS=Metric) since the motor
brushes were last serviced or replaced.
MASTER PIN 0000 4321 9999 Master Personal Identification Number (PIN) for Personal Trainer.