Your TreadClimber
must be maintained by perfoming regular Preventative Maintenance. Failure to perfom regularly scheduled
preventive maintenance can lead to premature wear cumulative damageand other effects, such as misalignment and create safty
hazards for the user. Failure to perform regular Preventative Maintenacne will lead to unnecceary downtime and may
void your warranty For this reason, we highly recommend following the maintenance schedules.listed in this manual. Additionally,
unusual symptoms, such as display codes and blown circuit breakers, should be reported to STAR TRAC CUSTOMER SERVICES
DEPARTMENT at (800) 503- 1221, or USA 1-714-669-1660. If
any components are found to be worn or damaged, the TreadClimber
should be removed from service until repairs can be made. Only components supplied or approved by Star Trac shall be used to
maintain and/or repair the treadmill.
Daily Maintenance
Remove excessive accumulations of dust, dirt, and other substances by using a clean soft cloth and a non-abrasive liquid cleaner,
such as Formula 409
. Wipe down the display board, handrails, shroud and heart rate grips.
NOTE: DO NOT spray the cleaner directly onto the display board or heart rate grips. Do not use liquid cleaner under the running belt.
To ensure the longevity of the running belts, clean under the running belts with a soft, dry cloth. To clean, slide the cloth between the
running belt and deck from one side of the frame to the other (you may need a ruler or similar tool to slide the towel under the belt),
then, holding the edges of the cloth, pull the cloth from the headroller down to the tailroller.
NOTE: DO NOT clean the running belt by activating the treadmill.
Inspect the running belts for alignment and tension. Do not tighten the running belt every day. If you notice slipping, adjust the run-
ning belt tension using the instructions provided in “Adjustments-Slipping-Running Belt” (later in this chapter), or contact Customer
Services as described at the beginning of this chapter.
Ensure the power cord is not under moving parts of the TreadClimber. This will prevent the power cord
from being pinched or from binding up the treadles.
Weekly Maintenance
Vacuum the floor under and around the TreadClimber. Do so by moving the TreadClimber by STAR TRAC with its rollers to another
NOTE: Take care not to damage the power cord while vacuuming.
Inspect the inside surface of the running belt if the belt fiber are frayed excesively, (it will feel fuzzy to the touch), replace the belt.
NOTE: Never install a new running belt on a used deck.
Inspect the display and handrail screws for security, and retighten if necessary.
Inspect the display panel/keypad for wear.
Monthly Maintenance
WARNING: To prevent personal injury, always turn the treadmill off and unplug the power cord before performing maintenance inside
the motor compartment.
Remove the motor shroud and vacuum around the motor and its ventilation holes. Avoid bumping or damaging parts normally
protected by the shroud.
Check the traedle belt tension so the treadles operate freely without making excessive noise.