Service Manual: E-TR and E-TRi
This parameter is used by Star Trac at the factory.
The Heart Rate Test mode can be used to simultaneously test the function and response for
both the contact and Polar heart rate systems.
Press ‘Start’ key
Display will read POLAR 0 CONTACT 0
, , Grab the HR grips
CONTACT X should detect your heart rate then display the reading
(If applicable) Polar strap *If you have a Polar transmitter or a polar signal simulator then signal will be detected
and processed by the Polar system and display the value as POLAR X
Press ‘Stop’ key twice to return to the MAINTENANCE MODE
This parameter is used by Star Trac at the factory.
The Last Error List is a list bank of the last five issues the unit has captured into its memory for
diagnosis of an issue. To access the Last Error list banks, follow the procedure below. For
more information including DFR, see the DFR section in this manual.
Press ‘Start’ key
Display will enter DISPLAY TEST and await your next command
Press ‘Start’ key
Display will cycle thru a self test and display all led’s in a sequenced pattern
Press ‘Stop’ key twice to return to the MAINTENANCE MODE
Press ‘Start’ key
Display will enter DISPLAY TEST and await your next command
Press ‘1’ key
MC1 Vx.x CKSM xxxx will display
Press ‘Speed Plus’ key
MC2 Vx.x CKSM xxxx will display
Press ‘Speed Minus’ key
MC1 Vx.x CKSM xxxx will display
Press ‘Stop’ key twice to return to the MAINTENANCE MODE
Press ‘Start’ key
Display will enter DISPLAY TEST and await your next command
Press ‘2’ key
Display will read KEYBOARD TEST
Press any key except ‘Stop’ to verify function.
Press ‘Stop’ key to verify function then press again to return to the MAINTENANCE MODE
When opening the banks, #1 is the first code that was captured, #2 the second, #3 the third
and so on. If more than 5 codes have been captured, bank #5 will always be the latest code
captured and the previous number will be replaced accordingly.
For a list of definitions for the Last Error List, see the LAST ERROR LIST DEFINITIONS
section in this manual.