
RM.404 Rear Panel (FUNCTIONS)
Section I: Master Output
I. Master Output Connection: These Right & Left XLR connections are used
for the Master Output signal. Volume levels for this output are controlled by
the section B front panel controls. NOTE: The TRIM knob sets the maximum
volume allowed for this output (be sure it is set properly.) It should be used
in conjunction with the Master Fader (#3) as well as individual Gain (#25) and
Channel Faders (#30) when establishing optimal overall output for the
RM.404 and the sound system it is connected to. It is recommended to con-
sult an audio professional during this process.
Section J: Zone Output
J. Zone Connection: These Right & Left output connections are used for a
secondary Master / Zone. Volume level for this output is controlled by sec-
tion B front panel controls. Generally, this is used to connect to a pair of
Booth Monitors to facilitate precise mixing and level control. Alternatively, it
can be used to send sound to another part of the sound system (such as
another room), or another completely independent sound system.
Section K: RCA Outputs
K. RCA Output Connections (Master, Zone, & Record) : This group of
RCA connections are ALL outputs which correspond to the markings at the
right of the connection. The Master and Zone connections mirror the output
signals sent through sections (J) & (K). These are to be used when XLR or
1/4 inch connections are unavailable, as balanced XLR and 1/4 inch connec-
tions provide a cleaner signal than RCA connections. In order to record your
sets, connect an appropriate recording device to the “REC” outputs via RCA
cables. Volume levels for these outputs are also controlled by section B front
panel controls except for “REC” which is pre-master signal.