Page 4 Section 2 About the Attachment
Accumulator Used in a hydraulic rotation kit to store hydraulic fl uid to drive the rotation motor.
Adjustment Custom-made plates that precisely adjust the lower cutting blades to the upper blades. These plates
Plates make it possible to achieve a uniform blade gap on the shear.
Apex The point where the primary and secondary cutting blades come together.
Blade Gap The gap between the upper and lower cutting blades as the blades bypass. A very important item that
must be maintained regularly to prevent material from jamming in the blades.
Blade Shims Thin metal shims used to adjust the position of the lower cutting blades to maintain a proper blade gap.
Blades should never be shimmed out farther than 0.13" (3.3 mm).
Boom Pivot Part of the shear mounting bracket that attaches to the excavator’s boom tip (second member mounts).
Build Up Welding process where worn off parent material is replaced with new metal. A very important
maintenance procedure that must be performed regularly throughout the life of the shear.
Control Valve Used in the hydraulic rotation kit to direct fl ow to the accumulator and back to the hydraulic motor.
Cross Blade A replaceable component located on the inside of the lower shear cross plate. The cross blade is an
easy-to-replace wear part that reduces maintenance time in the piercing area.
Cross Plate Plate located at the front of the lower shear which ties the two halves of the lower shear together. The
cross blade is contained in the cross plate. Requires regular build-up and hardsurface.
Crossover A hydraulic component used in a rotating shear that limits the amount of hydraulic pressure sent to the
Relief Valve rotation assembly. The crossover is preset at the factory and must not be tampered with.
Cutting The blades in the upper and lower shear jaws that shear materials as they bypass. The primary blades are
Blades those in the upper and lower jaws that are nearest to the shear throat. The secondary blades are those
that are farthest from the shear throat.
Cylinder Part of the shear mounting bracket that articulates the tip-up function of the shear. The cylinder
Connection connection attaches to the excavator’s stick cylinder (second member mounts).
End Cap Protects and adjusts the main pivot group of the shear. The end cap is a vital component to the
adjustment of the main pivot group and must not be removed without fi rst consulting the LaBounty
Customer Service Department.
Flow Control A hydraulic component used in a rotating shear that meters out the hydraulic fl uid from the rotation
Valve motor. The fl ow control should be set to limit the rotator from spinning faster than 1 - 2 revolutions per
Front Cylinder The pin that attaches the shear cylinder barrel end to the upper shear.
Grain of The direction that the parent material was initially rolled at the steel mill. It is very important when
Material hardsurfacing any part of the shear to weld with the grain of the steel. Cross-grained hardsurfacing has
the tendency to start cracks in the base material.