MB656 User Manual ◄ 17
The tools required to charge the breaker accumulator
are the Charge Hose assembly (505232) and the Ac-
cumulator Tester (28257), which are used with other
Stanley model breakers. When charging the accumula-
tor, make sure the tools and charge valve is clean. Dirt
can contaminate the charge valve and cause leakage.
1. Remove the protective plug from the accumulator
charge valve.
2. Hold the chuck end of the tester and turn the gauge
fully counter clockwise to ensure the plunger inside
the chuck is completely retracted.
3. Screw the tester into the breaker charge valve by
turning the chuck. Do not use the gauge for turn-
ing as this will advance the plunger in the chuck.
Tighten the chuck lightly against the breaker charge
4. Turn the gauge clockwise to advance the plunger
until a pressure is indicated on the gauge. Do not
5. If the pressure is correct, unscrew the gauge to re-
tract the plunger. Then, loosen and remove the tes-
ter from the charge valve. If the pressure is not cor-
rect, proceed to Step 6.
When disengaging the tester a “POP” of nitrogen is
6. Connect the charge hose assembly to the charg-
ing valve on the tester. Make sure the valve on the
charge hose assembly is closed. Open the valve on
the nitrogen bottle.
7. Very slowly open the valve on the charge hose as-
sembly and slowly meter the nitrogen into the break-
er charge valve until the tester reads the correct
charge pressure.
8. When the correct pressure is obtained, close the
valve on the charge hose assembly and on the nitro-
gen bottle. Unscrew the gauge to retract the plung-
er. Loosen and remove the tester from the charge
valve. Before replacing the protective plug, inspect
the plug O-ring. If damaged or deformed, replace
the plug. Apply Loctite™ 242 to plug and cap.
Main Accumulator
P/N 28257 Tester
P/N 505232 Charge Hose Assy
Main Accumulator: 350 PSI +/- 10 PSI
24 BAR +/- .7 BAR