6 Your XOHM Modem
Power LED: Indicates if the unit has power and is operating correctly. A blinking LED
indicates the unit is loading the firmware and configuration, while a solid LED
indicates the unit is ready for operation. This LED will be green.
Positioning Your Modem
Your XOHM Modem has a convenient, contemporary design that allows for simple
setup. When setting up your modem:
ⅷ Only use your XOHM Modem indoors. Avoid moisture or extreme temperatures.
ⅷ For improved reception, place the modem near a closed window.
ⅷ Position the modem within easy access of a reliable power supply.
ⅷ Make sure the modem is near enough to your
computer to easily connect the modem to the
computer using the supplied Ethernet cable.
ⅷ The unit’s omnidirectional antennas are built
into the sides (“handles”) of the modem case.
Make sure to provide ample space around the
device to ensure maximum WiMAX signals.
ⅷ The antennas must be installed to provide a
separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons
to satisfy Federal Communications Commission radio
frequency exposure compliance.
ⅷ Where possible, keep your modem at least
one foot away from other electronic devices,
such as Wi-Fi routers and cordless phones,
to avoid potential signal interference.
5dBi Omnidirectional Antennas