
10 2045,1 2990,7 6180,6 20185
11 2380,5 3481,7 7096,3 21677
All frequencies in Hertz (Hz).
The output control sets the output level of the filter sec-
tion. You can adjust the gain from -80dB to +5dB.
Output operates in all filter modes and can be used to
correct the signal level if the next equalizer section is being
overloaded or under driven.
The Output control can also be used to compensate for
level changes due to cutting or boosting. This can be very
helpful in situations where extensive equalization was used
to match the equalizers and original signal.
If you are using two or more sections of the Optimizer on
one signal you can use the Output control to boost the out-
put levels where cuts have been made and to attenuate them
where boosts were needed.
The Output control is a feature that you will not find on
any other parametric equalizer.
We have created a new approach by using active output
stages to mix filters: Commonly filters in parametric or gra-
phic equalizers mix passively resulting in increased phase
distortion as each filter is added to the signal path. The
Optimizer overcomes this fault by using controllable all
active output stages resulting in a significantly improved
phase response, even when all four filters are linked up. The
Output control allows level adjustments to compensate for
A unique feature is the indi-
vidual filter output control.
You can set up the individual
filter exactly, then feed in
just the right amount.
The Optimizer features active
output stages resulting in a
significantly improved
phase linearity.
This also compensates for
level changes.
Fig. 8:
Two frequency curces with
centerfrequency at 1kHz (Q =
0,2 and Q = 1,5) are boosted
by +5dB with the Output
level control.