
The concept of
sound processing
in the EQ MAGIX
The P
section serves to
perfectly remove any interference
frequency or to accentuate a
frequency band as desired.
With its enormous range of
frequencies from 14 Hz to 58 kHz,
the EQ MAGIX provides a plat-
form for experimentation as to
the extent signal portions affect
the tonal perception range beyond
the spectrum of the human
The EQ MAGIX features a PARAMETRIC constant-Q equaliser combined
with the V
ITALIZER equaliser system.
This combination of filters is based on the assumption that after succes-
sful microphoning, you only have one problem zone, if at all, that needs to
be equalized. The V
ITALIZER provides all the necessary circuitry for creative
sound post-processing.
The EQ MAGIX provides a total of five processing ranges: the PARAME-
TRIC section provides an extremely variable and efficient filter for selective
intervention in a frequency band between 14Hz and 58kHz. The VITA-
LIZER interferes in 4 frequency ranges, bass, mid and treble, along with the
harmonical frequencies pertaining to even and odd overtones.
The P
ARAMETRIC section is designed to clean up one »problem zone« in
the frequency spectrum of the recorded instrument or voice perfectly,
without prejudicing the sound and without being inhibited by technical
limitations of standardized filter circuits.
The equalizer used in the EQ MAGIX is based on the state-variable filter
type (SVF). Its function is phase-stable and neutral right down to 14 Hz in
the infra-sonic range. The frequency range extends right up to breath-
taking 58 kHz! This initially provides a platform for experimentation as to
whether interspersing digital components affects into the tonal perception
range (16 Hz to 20 kHz) or whether the removal thereof can remedy sound
problems directly or indirectly.
We have visited sound engineers and producers in European and
American audio and video studios and they pointed out to us that inter-
spersing the sample rate frequencies (44.1 kHz and 48 kHz) into the audio
path is a well-known phenomenon, whereby subharmonic elements can
be transposed right down into the audible frequency spectrum.
Furthermore, this can result in audible phase shifts and distortions. With
the EQ MAGIX, you can now influence these frequencies actively. The
sample rate frequencies are inscribed on the scale (44, 48).
All frequencies can be boosted or cut with 15dB throughout the entire
frequency range from 14 Hz to 58 kHz. The P
ARAMETRIC equalizer of the EQ
MAGIX is based on the constant-Q principle and provides an »inversible
Q«, i.e. when filtering out a interfering frequency, inverting the boost value
to a cut value results in precise inversion of the bandwidth (Q) values.
Notching is also possible with a variable R
OLL-OFF to select a STEEP or
GENTLE filter slope.
Extremely flexible bandwidth defintion allows Q values between 0.6
and 3.6.