For more information ask your distributor or call 415 526-2780
At last! A Spectra Watermaker designed and engi-
neered for the smaller vessel. The Ventura 150
difference is its energy efficiency, light weight
construction, and self regulating system.The Ventura is
an affordable, and compact watermaker with all the
great features Spectra has become known for. The
Ventura 150 is easy to install and use, quiet, very ener-
gy efficient, and it delivers over six gallons of fresh
product water (24 liters) per hour. It’s ideal for instal-
lation in limited spaces on cruising and racing vessels.
The exclusive Spectra High-Pressure Clark Pump
Intensifier maintains the proper pressures in the
membrane throughout a wide range of temperatures
and water conditions without any adjustments or loss
of product water output. The machine’s composite
construction is corrosion resistant for superior
reliability.All this while producing 150 gallons a day!
With a Ventura 150, there is no reason to compro-
mise your creature comforts while cruising.You will
have plenty of fresh water left over for boat and
gear. Every Ventura comes complete and ready to
install. Spectra’s High Pressure Clark Pump
Intensifier is factory mounted with a 20 inch mem-
brane in a Spectra high pressure vessel assembly.All
high-pressure piping is pre-plumbed at the factory.
Module brackets allow for installation in any orien-
tation. The Ventura 150 system is available in two
versions: The Manual Deluxe Version which
includes an instrument panel with analog pressure
gauge and product flow meter, a hand-held salinity
monitor and intake feed-pump module with cooling
fan and manual fresh water flush and the Ventura
150 MPC with the same features as the Manual
Deluxe version, except the analog pressure gauge and
product flow meter is replaced by the digital MPC
5000 Control Panel. The system also includes a
complete installation kit, installation and operation
manual, and warranty registration card. All that you
need to provide is the two thru-hull fittings and
electrical hook ups.
Every Spectra Watermaker comes with a One Year
Complete Limited Warranty and is available through
Spectra’s worldwide distributor network.
MPC-5000 Controller
Simple one button operation
All Ventura 150 functions are displayed in a 5.25" x
3.75" control display panel located in a convenient
space of your choosing away from the watermaker.
Multiple control display panels can be added for even
more monitoring convenience.The electrical control
box has a built-in manual override so the watermak-
er also works without the MPC-5000 electronic
Just set it and forget it!
MPC-5000 displays the pre-filter condition, feed
water pressure, water tank full status (with optional
tank switch), product water quality, flow rate and
total system hours. One touch to the MPC-5000
touch pad sets the Ventura 150 in motion. Reject
water is automatically diverted back to the ocean by
the MPC-5000 controller, the desired amount of
water fills the storage tanks, the system flushes itself
clean and shuts itself off. You can set the controller
to keep your Ventura 150 in a fresh water storage
state for as long as you like.
Leaving the vessel for a while?
Just press the Auto-Store button and the MPC-5000
controller will do an automatic flush every 5 days.
No more worries about messy storage chemicals.
And when you return to your vessel, your system is
ready to start up and go.
™ keeps your system clean without chemi-
cals. Top off your Spectra system with the new
™. This revolutionary technology keeps
Ventura 150 clean and free of bio-fouling and scaling.
Cleaning with chemicals substantially shortens the
usable life of reverse osmosis membranes. The
™ eliminates the need for harsh chemicals
used to clean and store your watermaker.
Ask your distributor about the Z-Brane
™ and
Z-Guard™ protection systems.
Ventura 150
Spectra’s Smallest and Easiest to Operate Watermachine