For Machines Mfg. Since 3/11 16-Speed Gearhead Lathe
To prepare your machine for long-term storage (a
year or more):
1. Run the lathe and bring all gearboxes to
operating temperature, then drain and refill
them with clean oil.
2. Pump out the old coolant, and remove and
blow out lines with compressed air and a few
drops of way oil.
4. Thoroughly clean all unpainted, bare metal
surfaces, then apply a liberal coat of way
oil, heavy grease, or rust preventative. Take
care to ensure these surfaces are completely
covered but that the rust preventative or
grease is kept off of painted surfaces.
5. Lubricate the machine as outlined in the
lubrication section. Be sure to use the oil gun
to purge all ball oilers and oil passages with
fresh oil.
6. Loosen or remove machine belts so they do
not become stretched during the storage
period. (Be sure to place a maintenance note
near the power button as a reminder that
the belts have been loosened or removed.)
7. Place a few moisture absorbing desiccant
packs inside of the electrical box.
8. Cover the lathe and place it in a dry area
that is out of direct sunlight and away from
hazardous fumes, paint, solvents, or gas.
Fumes and sunlight can bleach or discolor
paint and make the chuck guard cloudy.
9. Every few months, by hand rotate all gear-
driven components a few times in several
gear selections. This will keep the bearings,
bushings, gears, and shafts well lubricated
and protected from corrosion—especially
during the winter months.
Slide the carriage, micrometer stop,
tailstock, and steady rest down the lathe
bed to make sure that way spotting is not
beginning to occur.
Backlash Adjustment
Backlash is the amount of free play felt while
changing rotation directions with the handwheel.
This can be adjusted on the compound rest
and cross slide leadscrews. Before beginning
any adjustment, make sure that all associated
components have been cleaned and lubricated.
Compound Rest
Tools Needed: Qty
Hex Wrench 3mm .................................................1
The compound rest backlash is adjusted by
tightening the set screws shown in Figure
121. When these screws are adjusted against
the leadscrew nut, they offset part of the nut to
remove play between the nut and leadscrew.
Figure 121. Compound rest backlash adjustment set
Set Screws
Reducing backlash to less than 0.002" is
impractical and can lead to accelerated wear
of the wedge, nut, and leadscrew. Avoid the
temptation to overtighten the backlash set
screw while adjusting.
To adjust the backlash, rock the handwheel back-
and-forth, and tighten the screws slowly until
the backlash is approximately 0.002"–0.003", as
indicated on the handwheel dial.
If you end up adjusting the nut too tight, loosen
the set screws, tap the compound rest a few
times with a rubber or wooden mallet, and turn
the handwheel slowly back-and-forth until it
moves freely, then try again.