For Machines Mfg. Since 7/09 Model SB1016/SB1036
Checking & Adding Oil
Oil Type...Mobil DTE Light or ISO 32 Equivalent
Oil Amount .............................................. 4 Gallons
Check/Add Frequency ....................................Daily
Change Frequency ...................................Annually
The oil sight glass shown in Figure 116 is to
verify that oil is being pumped into the headstock
during operation. When the lathe is disconnected
from power, no oil will be seen in the sight glass.
Adding oil is done at the oil tank filler cap shown
in Figure 119.
Changing Headstock Oil
The headstock oil pump system must be cleaned
and the oil changed after the break-in period and
then annually (or every six months with hard
service or extreme working conditions).
Since this lathe uses a base-mounted oil tank,
removing a drain plug and using a drain pan
is not an option when draining the oil. We
recommend using a remote oil pump with a
suction hose that can be inserted through the
filler spout to the bottom of the oil tank instead.
If a remote oil pump system is not available,
use the headstock oil pump for this purpose, as
outlined below.
Items Needed: Qty
5-Gallon Waste Oil Bucket with Lid ....................1
Phillips Screwdriver #2 ........................................1
Standard Screwdriver #2 ......................................1
Funnel 8" ...............................................................1
Hex Wrench 4mm .................................................1
Wrench 17mm .......................................................1
Wrench 25mm .......................................................1
Wrench 1
⁄2" ...........................................................1
Mineral Spirits ................................... As Required
Rags .................................................... As Required
Gasket or Automotive Silicone Sealant ...............1
Hose Clamp .................................................
⁄2" Dia.
Rubber Drain Hose .......................
⁄8" ID x 4' Long
Magnets .................................................... Optional
To to change the headstock oil:
2. Remove the end gear cover, the tank cover
(see Figure 118), and remove the oil tank
filler cap (see Figure 119).
Figure 118. Tank cover plate removed.
Tank Cover
End Gear Cover
The oil tank filler cap is fitted with a dip stick
for checking the headstock oil level as shown in
Figure 117.
Figure 117. Headstock oil level dip stick.
Full Zone
Add Zone
Figure 116. Headstock oil flow sight glass location.
Headstock Oil
Flow Sight Glass.
Tank Filler Cap