m If a customer calls with a problem involving any Southbend product, we will rectify it,
no charge:
24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
m 0ur”No Quibble” Warranty means there will be no charge to the customer for the call, parts, travel or for
premium time. If the problem turns out that the unit is unplugged, the circuit breaker is tripped, the gas is
shut off, or even if the customer doesn’t know how to operate the equipment, etc.,-it’s covered.
, ._ :a
The foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warrant&S,
expressed or implied. There are no
warranties of merchantab&ty
or of fitness for a particular purpose.
I;i Southbend, hereinafter referred to as the seller, warrants equipment manufactured by it to be free from
defects in material and workmanship for which it is responsible. The sellers obligation underthis warran-
ty shall be limited to replacing or repairing such part. Such warranty shall be limited to the original pur-
chaser only and shall be effective for a period of one year from date of original installation or 18 months
from date of purchase, whichever is earlier; provided that the terms of payment have been fully met.
m Normal maintenance functions, including lubrication, cleaning or customer abuse are not covered by this
No Quibble Warranty.
Il;ii The seller shall be responsible only for repairs or replacements of defective parts performed by seller’s
authorized service personnel. Authorized service agencies are located in principle cities throughout the
contiguous United States and Hawaii. This warranty is valid in the United States and is void elsewhere ._,, ,,~ x,
unless the product is purchased through Middleby International with warrantyjnciuded .-I’- ” ““‘“:I ‘~““.“.“““*“.
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m The foregoing shall be th,e.seilePs~soisarid ex&s& dbiigation and the buyer’s s&e and exciusive, ,,
,~~. ,...
remedy.for”any a&on including breach of contract or negligence.
In,ng”.e~~~t..s~ail-t~e sellerbe iable for
a sum in excess of the purchase price of the item. The setter shall not be liable for any prospective or
lost profits of the buyer.
. ^
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m This warranty is effective on Southbend equipment sold on, or after
Feb. 15, 1996.