Selecting an Antenna Type
The Antenna Type display lets you or your professional installer enter
which type of Satellite Dish Antenna you use. After you have entered
your antenna type, you can use the Antenna Location pop-up to help aim
your antenna
1 Highlight and select “Antenna Type” from the Antenna
The Antenna Type display appears.
2 Highlight and select the Satellite Dish Antenna type that
you have installed.
The Signal Seeker pop-up appears if you have selected “Round”.
The Antenna Type display closes if you have selected “Oval 2-Sat”
or “Oval 3-Sat”.
3 Highlight and select “On” if you selected “Round”.
The Signal Seeker pop-up closes to show the Antenna D isplay.
Setting Up Your Digital Satellite Receiver (SYSTEM)
z Tip
Selecting “off” in the Signal Seeker
pop-up may allow you to see the
Signal Strength Meter if you use a
diplexer or certain other accessories
with your Satellite Dish Antenna.
The Signal Seeker feature is available
only with the Round Antenna. Seeyour
Satellite Dish Antenna Installation
Instructions for more information
about thi s featu re .