Shortcut keys, 305
Signal flow
Audio, 25–26
MIDI, 27–28
Events, 64
Video events, 232
Events, 64
Video events, 232
Events, 64
Video events, 232
Snapping, 89
In the Chopper window, 95
To scale, 216
Soft Synth Properties window, 23
Tracks, 43
Splitting events, 58
At the cursor position, 58
Multiple events, 59
One event, 59
Within a time selection, 60
Start offset, 64
Streaming media commands, 85
Stretching properties, 114, 121
Loops, 118
Subtags, 73
Summary properties tab, 29
Surround, 235–245
Automating panning, 242–245
Hardware setup, 236
Keyframes, 242–245
LFE channel, 235, 237
Panning, 239
Rendering, 245
Surround Panner window, 23, 240
Sync preferences tab, 262
Synchronizing audio and video, 231
Sysex keyframes, 211
System requirements, 15
Tagging media files, 71
Applying to media file, 72
Arranging in the tag tree, 73
Creating, 71
Creating palettes, 73
Deleting from library, 73
Editing names or images, 73
Removing from library, 73
Removing from media file, 72
Saving to media files, 74
Subtags, 73
Viewing palettes, 73
Recording audio as new, 182
Tempo changes
Marker, 91
Project, 90
Temporary files, 31, 264
Fitting projects to time, 94
Inserting into projects, 93
Time display, 252
Time markers, 84
Time ruler, 21, 249
Time selection
Recording into, 183
Splitting, 59
Time signature changes
Marker, 91
Project, 91
Timecode synchronization, 226, 228
Tips and tricks, 297–303
Toggle automation mode, 286
Toolbar, 17, 250–251
Track automation, 137–140
Track automation envelopes, 142
Track envelopes, 142–145
Colors, 142
Deleting points, 143
Locking to events, 145
Removing, 145
Types, 142
Track filters for MIDI, 205
Track list, 18
Track Properties window, 23, 115, 123, 202
Track view, 20
Adding clips to, 101
Adjusting bus send level, 112
Adjusting general clip properties, 116
Adjusting mix, 41
Adjusting several simultaneously, 43
Assigning to a bus, 111
Assigning to busses, 19, 111
Automating parameters, 137–140
Beatmapped, 34
Changing clip types, 117
Changing color, 40
choosing input/recording device, 43
Color preferences, 263
Copying clips and events across, 102
Copying trips without copying events, 103
Copying, cutting, pasting, 41
Default properties, 252
Deleting, 41
Device selection, 19
viii | INDEX