6. USB Self-check
The indication is displayed as below after entering this mode.
This mode is not used in servicing.
Press the [MENU] key to go to the next RTC self-check.
7. RTC Self-check
The indication is displayed as below after entering this mode.
The check on writing/reading real time clock is performed automatically and when the result is OK, “4. RTC >OK” is displayed on the
LCD and LCD back light turns on. If the result is NG, “4. RTC >NG” is displayed and the LCD back light blinks.
Press the [MENU] key to go back to “2. Display of Version and Destination”.
8. Sleep Mode (Checking Consumed Electric Current)
When the [VOLUME--] key is pressed at “2. Display of Version and Destination”, the unit goes into sleep mode.
Once entering this mode, the LCD turns off and the unit goes into the sleep (standby) status. After being into the sleep status, check that
consumed electric current is within the specified value.
Specified value : below 1 mA
The unit is waked up with normal mode with pressing any key. If the short lands (SL0120)) has been short, however, waked up and enters
this test mode again.
3.USB >
4.RTC >