Playing Tracks
Searching for Tracks by Dates Played
You can search for tracks according to the dates on which the player has
played them.
Play History
5-way button
BACK button
Press and hold BACK.
The HOME menu appears.
Press /// to select (Play History), and then press .
A list of dates on which tracks were played appears, starting with the most
Press / to select a year and month, press / to select a
date, and then press .
A list of tracks played on the selected date appears.
When you select one item on the list and press and hold , all tracks on
the item are played.
Press /// to select a track, and then press .
Playback starts from the selected track and continues through all tracks on
the list.
• The history of when tracks were played for more than 15 seconds is updated and that
record is applied to the play history only when you connect the player to CONNECT
• When a track is played for less than 15 seconds, that playback is not applied to the play