MP3 audio track cannot be played back.
• Recording was not pertbrnled according to tile
ISO9660 level 1, level 2, or Joliet in the expansion
• Tile MP3 audio track does not have the extension
• The data is not stored in MP3 tbmlat even fllough
it has extension" MP3".
• The discs containing files other than MPEG 1, 2
and 25 Audio Layer-3 files cannot be played
• The system can playback to a depth of 8 folders
• MP3 audio tracks in MP3 PRO tbrmat cannot be
played on this system
MP3 audio tracks take longer time to playback
than others.
• After the system _eads all tracks on the discs
playback may take more time than usual if:
tile number of albums or tracks on the disc is
va?' large
tile album and track organization structure is
va), complex
The album title, track title, ID3 tag and the
CD-TEXT characters do not appear properly.
• Use a disc that contblms with ISO9660 level 1,
level 2, or Joliet in the expansion format.
• The ID3 tag is not version 1 or version 2
• The character code tllat can be displayed by this
system are as follows
Upper cases (A to Z)
Lower cases (a to z)
Numbels (0 to 9)
Symbols(<:*+, /[]', )
Other characters may not be displayed conecdy
There is severe hum or noise/stations cannot
be received. ("TUNED" or "STEREO" flashes
in the display)
• Set the proper band and fiequency (page 16)
• Connect the antenna propa_ (page 9)
• Find a place and an orientation that provide good
reception, allen set up the antenna again If you
catmot obtain good reception, we recommend you
connect ail external antenna
• The supplied FM lead antenna receives si_mls
along its entire length, so make sure you extend it
• Locate the antennas as far away from the speaker
cords as possible
• Consult yore nearest Sony dealer if the supplied
AM antenna has come off the plastic stand
• Try turning offsurrolmding electrical equipment
• Set "CD POWER OFF" by CD power manage
flmction (page 17)
A stereo FM program cannot he received in
•Press FM NIODE until "MONO" disappems in the
Tape deck
The tape does not record or playback, or there
is a decrease in sound level.
• The heads are dffty (see "Cleaning the tape heads"
on page 41).
• The recor@layback heads are magnetized (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page 41)
The tape does not erase completely.
•The lecord/playback heads me magnetized (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page 41)
There is excessive wow or flutter, or the sound
drops out.
•The capstans or pinch _ollels me dir_, (see
"Cleaning the tape heads" on page 41)
Noise increases or the high frequencies are
•The lecord/playback heads me magnetized. (see
"Demagnetizing the tape heads" on page 41)