11 (US)
Canadian French Language ratings
The Canadian French Language ratings are for TV programs in
French broadcast in Canada.
14+ (Programming
contains themes or
content which may not
be suitable for viewers
under the age of 14)
Parents are strongly cautioned to
exercise discretion in permitting
viewing by pre-teens and early teens.
18+ (Adult) May contain violence integral to the
development of the plot, character or
theme, intended for adult audiences.
May contain graphic language and
explicit portrayals of nudity and/or
Option Description
G (General) Programming intended for audiences
of all ages. Contains no violence, or
the violence it contains is minimal or is
depicted appropriately with humor or
caricature or in an unrealistic manner.
8 ans+ (8+ General –
Not recommended for
young children)
Programming intended for a broad
audience but contains light or
occasional violence that could disturb
young children. Viewing with an adult
is recommended for young children
(under the age of 8).
13 ans+
(Programming may
not be suitable for
children under the age
of 13)
Viewing with an adult is strongly
recommended for children under the
age of 13.
16 ans+
(Programming is not
suitable for children
under the age of 16)
Contains frequent scenes of violence
or intense violence.
18 ans+
restricted to adults)
Contains constant violence or scenes
of extreme violence.
Option Description