Invalid Operation • You cannot divide or set a track mark in files in the folder in the
playback-only area (the (Music) tab and the (Podcast) tab).
• When a memory card has a bad block on it, the card cannot be
written to. Prepare a new memory card to replace the current one.
• The file name has reached the maximum number of characters;
you cannot divide the file. Shorten the file name.
• The “Divide All Track Marks” function cannot be used because
there is a track mark within 0.5 seconds from the dividing
• The “Divide All Track Marks” function cannot be used because
there is a track mark within 0.5 seconds from the beginning of a
file or the end of a file.
• The file length is less than 1 second; you cannot divide such a
short file.
• The “Divide Current Position” function cannot be used at a
position within 0.5 seconds from the beginning of a file or the end
of a file.
• You cannot use the editorial functions in the menu for
LPEC(.msv) files.
New File • The file being recorded has reached the maximum size limit
(2 GB for an LPCM file, and 1 GB for an MP3 file). The file will
be divided automatically and recording will continue as a new file.
Invalid when Noise Cut is
• When the NOISE CUT switch is set to “ON,” the effect function
does not work. Cancel the noise cut setting (page 60).
Change Folder • If there are no files in the or folder, no folders are
displayed in the display window. Only a folder with a file will be
Cannot Divide - Exceeds
Max 199 Files in Folder
• When there are already 199 files in the selected folder or the total
number of files stored on the IC recorder exceeds the maximum,
you cannot divide a file. Erase some files before dividing a file.
Message Cause/Remedy