
© 2003 - 2005 Sipura Technology, Inc Proprietary (See Copyright Notice on Page 2)
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PR Polarity Reversal
PS Provisioning Server
PSQM Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement (1-5, the lower the better)
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
NAT Network Address Translation
OOB Out-of-band
REQT (SIP) Request Message
RESP (SIP) Response Message
RSC (SIP) Response Status Code, such as 404, 302, 600
RTP Real Time Protocol
RTT Round Trip Time
SAS Streaming Audio Server
SDP Session Description Protocol
SDRAM Synchronous DRAM
sec seconds
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit
SP Service Provider
SPA Sipura IP Telephone
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UA User Agent
uC Micro-controller
UDP User Datagram Protocol
URL Uniform Resource Locator
VM Voice Mail
VMWI Visual Message Waiting Indication/Indicator
VQ Voice Quality
WAN Wide Area Network
XML Extensible Markup Language
1.1. Glossary
ACD (Automatic Call Distribution): A switching system designed to allocate incoming calls to
certain positions or agents in the order received and to hold calls not ready to be handled (often
with a recorded announcement).
Area Code: A 3-digit code used in North America to identify a specific geographic telephone
location. The first digit can be any number between 2 and 9. The second and third digits can be
any number.
Billing Increment: The division by which the call is rounded. In the field it is common to see full-
minute billing on the local invoice while 6-second rounding is the choice of most long-distance
providers that bill their customers directly.
Blocked Calls: Caused by an insufficient network facility that does not have enough lines to allow
calls to reach a given destination. May also pertain to a call from an originating number that is
blocked by the receiving telephone number.
Bundled Service: Offering various services as a complete package.
Call Completion: The point at which a dialed number is answered.
Call Termination: The point at which a call is disconnected.
CDR (Call Detail Records): A software program attached to a VoIP/telephone system that records
information about the telephone number’s activity.