
Product: TDP-52-SN3 /
In the Command Line box, type the letter A: or B: to indicate your floppy disk
drive, and then type SETUP. For example, A:SETUP.
Click the OK button, and follow the instructions displayed on your screen.
First, accept the location of the source files, which is the floppy disk drive you used
for Setup.
To continue Setup, choose the Continue button. To quit Setup, choose the Exit
Setup button.
Next, the Setup Program will ask you to specify the drive and directory in which you
want to install the BeneWin Program. The Program suggests the following:
C:\BENEWIN. Accept the drive and directory by clicking the Continue button. You
can quit Setup by clicking the Exit Setup button.
The Setup Program creates a BENEWIN directory and within it the necessary sub-
directories in drive C of your computer. Setup also creates its own group window in
Program Manager.