October 30, 1997
The TCS coordinate window (under Options) can be used to center a source or move it around the
array at the 88-inch. The plate scale defaults to the f/10 scale (0.1886 arcsec/pix), for the f/31 scale it
is 0.0608 arcsec/pix. First move to the source and press the “f" key, it will grab the pixel location as
the “From" coordinates (you may need to click left with the mouse on the source before hitting the F
key). Then move to the center or wherever and hit the “t" key to grab the “To" location. Alternatively,
the from and to positions can be defined by holding the shift key and clicking and dragging the middle
mouse button. Once the positions have been defined, click on “calculate offset" and then on “Offset
TCS" to actually move the telescope (the 88-inch). You can also just read the offsets and move the
telescope by hand.
8 QCDCOM commands
This is a description of the available QCDCOM commands. Any unique abbreviation will work, and
qcdcom will prompt you if you enter an ambiguous command. When you first start qcdcom you
should be aware of two self explanatory commands:
help Help help lists the currently recognized commands. Angle brackets indicate
arguments, and square brackets indicate optional arguments.
quit Quit quit terminates qcdcom. Control-D will also do this.
8.1 DSP initialization commands
In general, you will need to initialize the DSP processor in the Leach electronics after power-up or
after a DSP reset, because its cold-reset state is not appropriate for running the instrument. In order
to do this you need to read a file of compiled DSP code, and then download it to the DSP. (Note that
DSP assembler code in a .asm file is compiled by the a56 compiler into binary code in a .lod file. For
example, a56 quircop1 will read quircop1.asm and write quircop1.lod.)
Note that while you may see several different versions of the code for QUIRC in the dsp directory,
you can always find the current version of the code as quirc.lod. (It is maintained as a symbolic
link to the working code.) Thus to download the current version of the code, after a power cycle
or DSP computer reset, you can always use df quirc to load correct code. Remember that it
is not necessary (and even undesirable) to download code when qcdcom is restarted. Quitting and
re-starting qcdcom in itself has no effect on the on-board DSP computer, which runs independently.
df file Read and download DSP code
df is a combination of ll and dl, and is the normal command to use for sending
code to the DSP. It will fill in a .lod extension if it is missing, and it will look in
directories according to the environment variable LODPATH, which can be set to a list
of directories separated by colons. Thus, the visitor account has been provided with:
setenv LODPATH .:/aux/inst/dsp:./mydspcode
Example: df quirc