Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
selection. All selections start with a base value of zero.
If the file name is not specified then the current value from the last previous restore File |
Restore Config, LDC command, File | Save Config, or SDC command is used. The default
configuration file name can be retrieved with the SDC? command.
Note that the backslash character, “\”, has special meaning known as an escape sequence. To
specify a single backslash you must send two. For example,
is interpreted by the LBA-PC as, “c:\spiricon\lba300pc\config.cfg”.
Although other escape
sequences are recognized there is no reason to ever use them with LBA-PC.
The following example describes how to save the current LBA-PC configuration to the file
Host sends
:SDC ConfigFileName=c:\\spiricon\\remote.cfg(^END)
10.5.2 Configuration Commands
Configuration commands allow you to change the current configuration of the LBA-PC. These
commands are modeled after the dialog boxes displayed on the screen after selecting some items in
the File menu, and all the items in the Options and Pass/Fail menus.
Commands to set a configuration have the following format:
:CCC key=value;key=value;…;key=value;key=value(^END)
: = ASCII colon character (0x3A)
CCC = three character command code (case is ignored) followed by a space
Key = ASCII text code for which parameter to set (case ignored)
= = ASCII equal sign character (0x3D)
value = value to be assigned to the parameter specified by key.
The particular parameter type, format, and allowable range are dependent on which key is being set.
; = ASCII semi-colon character (0x3B)
In this document “key=value” is collectively called a parameter. Parameters can occur in any order.
Range checking is performed on all values in “key=value” for each transmitted command. A Range
Error occurs if any value is invalid or out of range, the entire command is then ignored.
The following is a list of LBA-PC configuration command data types used for ‘value’:
L Selection. ASCII numeric value corresponding to the desired