G8860 _4 Installation Manual NZ
FROM NZS 5261:2003, please ensure compliance to all other relevant sections of this code.
2.6.13 FLUE TERMINALS Location
The termination point of a flue shall be located in relation to any associated building and to neighbouring
structures so that wind from any direction is not likely to create a downdraught in the flue or chimney.
Except where applies, a flue terminal shall:
(a) Be at least 1m horizontally from a neighbouring structure; or
(b) If less than 1m horizontally from a neighbouring structure, be at least 500mm above that structure;
(c) Be at least 1.5m from any opening into a building; and
(d) Be at least 200mm from another flue terminal. Terminating a flue above a roof
Where a flue is to terminate above:
(a) A roof; the end of the flue shall be at least 500mm from the nearest part of the roof;
(b) A trafficable roof designed for personal or public use, the end of the flue shall be at least 2m above the
roof level and at least 500mm above any surrounding parapet; or
(c) A chimney, the end of the flue shall be at least 200mm from the nearest part of the chimney.
(1) The distance is measured before the cowl is fitted to the end of the flue
(2) (NA)
(3) (NA) Location of a flue terminal other than above a roof
11.2 Masonry Cavity and Chimney:
The heater can be flued with 100mm flexible aluminum ducting in accordance with
NZS5261-2003. This single skinned flue must only be used where the path of the duct never
comes into contact with combustible materials.
11.3 The top of the flue must be capped with an appropriate anti down draft cowl.
Note: Chimney liner flue kits intended for other brands of heater may not fit. Escea flue
spigot is 100mm inside diameter.
12.0 Laying Gas Pipe:
Gas pipe should be sized as per the requirements of NZS5261-2003. The pipe sizing must
be sufficient to deliver the following volume of gas to the heater with all other gas appliances
in the home running at the same time;
IB1100 = 42MJ/hr
IB850 = 42MJ/hr
IB600 = 36MJ/hr
12.1 This fire has been supplied with a 300mm long flexible inlet connection to make connecting
the gas supply easy and safe. Solid pipe should be run to within 100mm of the front right
hand corner of the cavity and connected to the end of the supplied flexible hose via a 15mm
flared union.
12.2 This flexible pipe should be attached to the copper supply pipe and the joint tested to ensure
gas tightness. The end of the flexible connection pipe has a flare fitting and nut to suit ½
inch (12.7mm) copper pipe