
DE2-70 User Manual
Figure 3.8. USB Mouse Monitoring Tool.
3.6 PS2 Device
The Control Panel provides users a tool to receive the inputs from a PS2 keyboard in real time. The
received scan-codes are translated to ASCII code and displayed in the control window. Only visible
ASCII codes are displayed. For control key, only “Carriage Return/ENTER” key is implemented.
This function can be used to verify the functionality of the PS2 Interface. Please follow the steps
below to exercise the PS2 device:
1. Choosing the PS2 tab leads to the window in Figure 3.9.
2. Plug a PS2 Keyboard to the FPGA board. Then,
3. Press the Start button to start PS2Keyboard input receiving process; Button caption is
changed from Start to Stop.
4. In the receiving process, users can start to press the attached keyboard. The input data will
be displayed in the control window in real time. Press Stop to terminate the monitoring