Reference temperature: Will be selected automatically based in the units selected (Normal= 0C, Standard=21.1C)
Reference pressure: Will be selected automatically based in the units selected
DUT inlet pressure: enter the inlet gas pressure to the DUT. (Used for certificate data only)
DUT outlet pressure: enter the outlet gas pressure of the DUT. (Used for certificate data only)
Calibration position: Enter the position in which your DUT is mounted during the calibration (Used for certificate data only)
Accuracy: Will be pulled down from the program’s instrument database "Instrument information" if you are calibrating a Sierra Model. If
you are calibrating an instrument of another manufacturer, enter the rated accuracy of the DUT here.
Repeatability: same as Accuracy above.
Temperature coefficient: Will be pulled down from the database "Instrument information" if you are calibrating a Sierra Model. For other
makes, enter the DUT coefficient here.
Pressure coefficient: Same as Temperature coefficient above.
Max Allowed deviation: Will be pulled down from the program’s database "Instrument information" based on the Sierra Model selected
(This value is the pass/fail criteria as shown on the calibration certificate. It is in general either the accuracy of the meter + uncertainty of
the calibrator or the RSS of the accuracy of both devices {Sq Root of [meter accy
+ calibrator accy
Step 3—Perform a calibration
Press the START button
This will begin the calibration routine. A red screen will appear in which several options are given to start the certification.
Do nothing until the window: "Please wait" disappears. The screen looks like this:
Never select with your mouse the background sheet or another sheet until after you press "Exit" or the program could stop running.