Area Access by User Number (User # 1 - 60)
Cmd Loc 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041
User # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cmd Loc 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049
User # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Cmd Loc 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057
User # 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Cmd Loc 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065
User # 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Cmd Loc 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073
User # 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Cmd Loc 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081
User # 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Cmd Loc 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089
User # 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Cmd Loc 090 091 092 093
User # 57 58 59 60
Default 255 (CL 034), 1 (All Other Locations)
Range 1 - 255 (All Locations)
1 Area 1(Common
Area, if enabled)
2 Area 2
4 Area 3
8 Area 4
16 Area 5
32 Area 6
64 Area 7
128 Area 8
If common area is enabled, then area 1 must
be active for each user who requires access to
the common area.
Assigned user codes, if used:
System Master Code - user #1
Kidwatch Code - user #11
Area Masters
Area 1 - user #12 Area 5 - user #28
Area 2 - user #16 Area 6 - user #32
Area 3 - user #20 Area 7 - user #36
Area 4 - user #24 Area 8 - user #40
Maid Codes
Area 1 - user #13 Area 5 - user #29
Area 2 - user #17 Area 6 - user #33
Area 3 - user #21 Area 7 - user #37
Area 4 - user #25 Area 8 - user #41
Relay Activation Codes
Area 1 - user #14 Area 5 - user #30
Area 2 - user #18 Area 6 - user #34
Area 3 - user #22 Area 7 - user #38
Area 4 - user #26 Area 8 - user #42
Duress Codes
Area 1 - user #15 Area 5 - user #31
Area 2 - user #19 Area 6 - user #35
Area 3 - user #23 Area 7 - user #39
Area 4 - user #27 Area 8 - user #43
Keypad Assignments to Areas (Keypads 1 - 16)
Cmd Loc 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101
Keypad # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cmd Loc 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Keypad # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Default 1 (All Locations)
Range 0 - 9 (All Locations)
Each keypad may be assigned to any area
(partition) or designated as a Common Key-
NOTE: Only Alphanumeric keypads may be
designated as Common Keypads.
First to Open/Last to Close Enable
Cmd Loc 110
Default 2
Range 1 - 2
If enabled (programmed as 2), the first user to disarm any
area will send an opening report to the central station. The
last user to arm any area will send the closing report. The
user must be authorized to send opening/closing reports
(Block 1, CL 021 - 080).
0 Disabled
1 Area 1
2 Area 2
4 Area 3
8 Area 4
16 Area 5
32 Area 6
64 Area 7
128 Area 8
If the system is divided into areas, this option deter-
mines the area(s) associated with each SpreadNet
SN990-KEYPAD. SpreadNet keypads arm and dis-
arm all assigned areas at the same time. The value
programmed into the specific location is the total of
all areas the keypad will be able to access. To send
a Panic report from a SpreadNet keypad, the Police
Soft Zone (Block 2, CL 156) must also be enabled.
Area Assignments (SpreadNet Keypads 1 - 8)
Cmd Loc 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Keypad # 1 2 3 45678
Default 0 (All Locations)
Range 0 - 255 (All Locations)
Block 9 - Partition (Area) Programming (cont.)
0 Disabled
1 Area 1
2 Area 2
3 Area 3
4 Area 4
5 Area 5
6 Area 6
7 Area 7
8 Area 8
9 Common Keypad