Banana, Walnut and
Honey Muffi ns
2 ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
2 teaspoons oil
4 teaspoons water
4 teaspoons baking powder
½ cup icing sugar
1¾ cup plain fl our
2 tablespoons of honey
3 teaspoons walnuts, chopped
Serves 8
• In a large glass bowl, add bananas, eggs, oil,
water, baking powder, icing sugar, honey and fl our.
Mix with a fork until well combined.
• Grease a small 12 hole muffi n tray. Divide mixture
evenly between the 12 holes and place tray on
the steam tray and on the glass tray provided in
LOWER position.
Manually set oven to Steam Cook High > 30 minutes
• Muffi ns will be ready when a wooden skewer is
inserted into the muffi n and comes out clean.
• Let the muffi ns stand until cool.
Honey Pears
4 ripe pears
½ cup honey, enough to fi ll the pears
2 teaspoons brown sugar
2 large prunes, pitted and halved
Thickened cream (to serve)
Cinnamon (to serve)
Serves 4
• Make a straight cut on the bottoms of the pears,
enough so they will stand up on the tray.
• Cut off the top of the pear just below the point
where the pear widens. Set aside. Make sure the
bottom of the pear top is wide enough so it can be
put back on the pear as a lid. Note: do not cut
down to the core.
• Using a sharp knife or apple corer, cut around the
core of the pear. Only cut down to just above the
bottom of the pear, not all the way through. Use a
paring knife to remove the core and then carefully
remove any leftover seeds and remains from the
core with a small spoon.
• Arrange pears on the steam tray. Pour honey
evenly into pears leaving a small gap at the top.
Place half a prune in each pear and sprinkle with
the brown sugar. Place pear ‘lids’ back on top.
• Place the steam tray on the glass tray and place in
the LOWER position.
Manually set oven to Steam Cook High > 20 minutes
• After cooking, stand for 5 minutes.
• Serve with cream and sprinkle with cinnamon if
Mixed Berry Custard
150 g frozen mixed berries, thawed and pushed
through a sieve to form a puree
1 cup full cream milk
1 cup condensed milk
4 eggs, lightly whisked
2 egg yolks
cup caster sugar
2 teaspoons icing sugar, to garnish
100 g frozen mixed berries, thawed to garnish
Serves 4
• In a large microwave safe bowl, combine both
the full cream and condensed milk. Place in
Microwave 70% for 6 minutes until milk is at a
• In another large bowl, add eggs, egg yolks, sugar
and mixed berry puree. Add the heated milk
mixture. Using a balloon whisk, mix until well
• Divide the mixture evenly between 4, 10 cm
ramekins. Place on steam tray and then on the
glass tray provided.
• Place glass tray in the UPPER position.
• Manually set oven to Steam Cook Low 90°C >
35 minutes > START.
• Once cooking is completed and the custard is set,
stand for 10 minutes.
• Serve with thawed whole berries and dust with
icing sugar.