Why does the installation of the
driver software hang?
You may be logging in as a non-admin user or using fast user
You need to log in as an administrator to install or configure
the driver software. Also, fast user switching is not supported.
If you are logging in as a non-admin user or using fast user
switching, log off and log in again as an administrator.
The machine replies to ping,
however it can not be seen on the
There may be a network device with the same IP address as
the machine on the network, and the device that replied to
ping may not be the machine. (Try "arp -a" command after
executing ping command.)
Check the IP address of each device on the network, then
assign an IP address on the machine.
• Example: In the list displayed after executing "arp -a"
command, if the Ethernet address (Physical address) shown
on the right side of the IP address (Internet address) is
different from the machine's Ethernet address, another
network device with the same IP address replied.
• Example: If a device replied to ping even the LAN cable is
disconnected from the machine, the device has the same IP
Security software such as firewall may exclude the
communication to the machine.
Disable the security software such as firewall and verify again.
For information on disabling the function of the security
software, refer to the manual or online help of the software.
Why does the IP address change
every time I turn on the machine?
In the environment the machine is operating, there may be a
router or a server (DHCP server) with the function to assign
an IP address. Check the DHCP server and try one of the
• Verify the range of the IP address the DHCP server assigns,
and assign a unique IP address that is out of the range. The
IP address has to be in the same segment. The
DHCP/BOOTP/RARP protocol of the machine needs to be
Example: If the range of the IP address the DHCP server
assigns is from to, assign an IP
address which has not been used in the network from the
range between and When you
assign an IP address, make sure that the same IP address
has not been assigned on multiple devices. The DHCP
server itself may have the IP address such as
or Please verify.
• Register the machine on DHCP server in order to assign a
fixed IP address. (Refer to your DHCP server manual for
how to configure.)
The network settings of the
machine are initialised to the
factory default every time the
machine is booted.
The configuration of the machine may not have been
completed properly. Typically the setup information is not
properly registered if you canceled the setup while transferring
the configuration data to the machine, and if you experienced
a network stoppage problem during the setup.
Please retry the setup procedure again.
Why can't I search the device (the
scanner function) using SC-Scan
You need to add SC-Scan A and UDP port number "19540" to
the firewall exception list. For information on adding SC-Scan
A and UDP port number "19540" to the firewall exception list,
refer to the manual or online help of your operating system or
firewall software.
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