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Infra-red stethoset receivers for use as additional receivers for exisiting
infra-red transmission systems or for use in conferences and simultaneous
translation applications.
P HDI 302
I nf ra -r ed st e re o s tet h os et re ce iv e r wh i ch c an b e sw it ch ed b etwe en “ c h a n-
nel I”, “channel II” and stereo transmission. It is especially suitable for
applications which require two-channel transmission, e.g. simultaneous
translation during conferences.
P RI 250
Infra-red mono stethoset receiver, designed for use as a personal sound
amplifier for people with impaired hearing. It can also be used as an ad-
ditional receiver for the Set 250 infra-red mono transmission system.
P RI 250-J
Infra-red mono stethoset receiver, designed for use as a personal sound
amplifier in conjunction with a hearing aid for people with impaired hea-
ring. It can also be used as an additional receiver for the Set 250 infra-red
m on o tr a ns m is s io n sy st em . The R I 2 5 0 - J h a s a n ad d it io n al a ud i o ou tp ut fo r
connecting an induction loop which allows its use with a hearing aid.
P RI 250-S
Infra-red mono lavalier receiver. The RI 250-S has an audio output for
connecting a Sennheiser headphone or an induction coupler.
P RI 500
Infra-red stereo stethoset receiver, designed for use as a personal sound
amplifier. It can also be used as an additional receiver for the IS 500 infra-
red stereo transmission system.